What Are Sound Baths? Benefits and What to Expect
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What Are Sound Baths? Benefits and What to Expect

Jun 29, 2023

People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. For example, ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments' vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick.

While a modern sound bath won't cure you of the common cold, studies suggest it does come with certain physical and mental health benefits. Here's what you need to know about the practice.

During a sound bath, participants typically lie on the ground while a practitioner plays a variety of sounds with various musical instruments in order to create a relaxing, meditative experience for participants.

Most sound baths combine a mix of different instruments because each gives off different frequencies, or vibrations, says Christy Maskeroni Price, a yoga teacher and founder of Alula Collective who leads sound bath sessions. You may hear:

The practitioner may also talk during the session, similar to a guided meditation, and may instruct participants in breathwork as well.

Note: Sound bath sessions may go by different names, including sound therapy and sound bowl meditation.

"A sound bath seeks to balance our physical, emotional, and mental systems, restoring a sense of harmony," says Seth Misterka, who provides virtual sound baths through Dynasty Electrik.

While a sound bath is supposed to bring you into a deep state of meditation, you don't need experience in meditation to try it. Anyone can benefit from the calming effects, Price says.

Practitioners say that the benefits of sound baths include:

Although these are common benefits, different people react to sound baths in different ways. For example, one person might feel especially relaxed, while another might feel a boost of energy.

A small 2014 study found that people exposed to 15 minutes of either repetitive drumming or instrumental meditation music while lying down experienced a decrease in their levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

The format, length, and location of sound baths can vary widely. For example, some sessions are 60 minutes long while others can last 90 minutes.

Sound baths can also take place in various spaces, from museums and music festivals to mediation centers, says Sara Auster, a sound therapist and meditation teacher who provides sound bath training through the Auster Sound Method.

You don't need any special clothing or equipment for a sound bath, but you should wear comfortable clothes. Practitioners often encourage you to bring yoga mats, blankets, pillows, eye pillows, or other props that will make you comfortable.

Virtual sound baths can offer the same benefits as a session in a physical room. However, the experience won't be exactly the same, because if you are in a room with musical instruments, you experience the vibration that comes off of them, Price says.

"Properly facilitating a sound bath requires you to have a deep understanding of sound, psychoacoustics, meditation, mindfulness, and musicianship, while simultaneously having a strong voice as a teacher with an ability to hold space for yourself and others," Auster says. Therefore, while you can do one on your own, you may not reap the full benefits.

Note: Sound baths often stir emotions in participants, so a release of emotions is normal. Some people cry, and others feel happy, Price says.

The idea of a sound bath can seem "out there" to some people, Price says. But she encourages anyone to try it once because of its relaxing effects.

A sound bath offers an opportunity to pause, whether you find it in person at a yoga studio or meditation center, or online during a virtual sound bath.

"Being able to access a moment of stillness internally when everything is rapidly swirling around outside of you (or perhaps also inside) is like a superpower," Auster says.

What is a sound bath? Note: What to expect during a sound bath Note: